Writing in August

Robyn Abbott

August 2023 Newsletter

Writing in August

There've been quite a few new members to this group since I posted FROM THE THICKET, so welcome everyone!

If this is your first newsletter from me, there's not much you need to know other than I'm a bit mystical and superstitious when it comes to my writing. This letter is where I share bookish updates and give away goodies like stories, full-length books and merch.

Bookish Treats

First up, if you're as hyped for A SIN & A HALF as I am, bookmarks are now available. It's hard to capture the essence of a story on 2x6 inches, but I think this one does that.

Shout out to my critique partner Sydney for crafting this tagline. It's perfect because it's exactly what the book is about, but also imperfect because it's hard to market things that contain swear words. There will be a PG version available at some point.

I'm giving away 10 bookmarks for free so message me back here (first come, first serve) and I'll send one your way. (You'll need to be cool with sharing your address).

Writing Things

In writing news, it's looking like part one of A SIN & A HALF might be ready for your eyeballs soon (see green treaders, *free books*). I'm still fiddling with the opening because this one has a very large cast and while I love being utterly confused about who's who and what's going on until I'm a third of the way into a story, I acknowledge that not all readers feels the same way.

  • THE PENITENT draft is about 84% done; my CP group has read through the first 77%. This means I'll be looking for beta readers soon...
  • My other CP group is 67% of the way through CRAB AND THE BLUE GOD and giving me lots of helpful notes. Finishing this story is kind of a big deal because it's the only one I know for sure will be published in hardcover (but let's not get into meditation and the nature of time today because there are newbies here and we don't want to scare them).
  • A quirky little science fiction story about a microplastic-gobbling robot called ULIXES & THE MOON has been read by CPs and is about to be edited.
  • There are lots of new story ideas, but in particular, there's a wacky, absurd fantasy short inspired by the King of Pentacles that has captured my heart. I might have already started working on it... you might be getting your copy of it next newsletter....

What I'm Reading

When it comes to reading, BLACKDOG by K.V. Johansen has taken over that hour each night when life has slowed down but sleep hasn't begun, and I'm loving it a giddy, childish, squealing amount.

I've assigned myself the quest of getting as many people to read it as possible because Mikki and Moth might be the cutest fantasy couple of all time? And also, there's a mad priest who's stolen my heart.

At first I was like: this is a genius book. And then there was only one bed, and I was like: no one on earth won't like this. Bonus points because this one doesn't follow traditional story structure AT ALL, and I know my fellow writers will be pleased to see such a magical tale breaking all those annoying rules everyone seems to insist are laws of nature.

And, if you haven't taken a peek at the slightly unhinged story that is FROM THE THICKET yet, it's here.

That's all for now treaders.

Take care,


P.S. If you're one of the green treaders (meaning a newbie to this group), respond to this email and say hi. I'm always open to questions, writing-themed or otherwise. I'm especially curious to know everyone's astrological signs.

P.P.S. Tarot readings are once again on the table and will remain that way until something spooky happens again.

P.P.P.S The little wolf that lives in my house and steals socks when I'm not looking turned two this week. 😭 I could write essays upon essays about this wild baby and the magical chaos he's infused my days with. He's the most perfect trickster being and he's FINALLY going through a cuddly phase.

"There's a lesson here and I'm not going to be the one to figure it out."
—Rick Sanchez, Rick and Morty Season 4: Edge of Tomorty

(Also me thinking about Venus Retrograde).

If astrology is your thing: you have just enough time to get your skin clear, tidy your routine and clean your house (especially the fridge) before Virgo season begins and the need to appear perfect bulldozes us all.

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